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Group: Guests

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Group: Guests

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pixicona.janjan.inDate: Saturday, 2012-12-08, 12:50 PM | Message # 27
Group: Guests

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iconlibrary.iconshok.cmoDate: Saturday, 2012-12-08, 1:15 PM | Message # 28
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temolastemknster.comDate: Sunday, 2012-12-09, 8:54 PM | Message # 29
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[Archive] Icon Field Gear Stryker Vest Riders Discount
Icon Field Gear Stryker Vest [Archive] - Victory Forums - Victory Motorcycle Forum
Victory Forums - Victory Motorcycle Forum > Platinum Vendor Area > Riders Discount > Icon Field Gear Stryker Vest
: Icon Field Gear Stryker Vest
RidersDiscount09-09-2011, 10:07 AMStreet-specific armor for the street rider, that’s what you get with the Icon Stryker Vest ( Not that there’s anything wrong with wearing a back protector built for racers on the road, it’s just that Icon was looking out for all-day users that didn’t want to walk around with an odd growth flailing off their backs everywhere they went. Building upon the proven Icon Field Armor vest, the Stryker ups the ante with an even better back protector and significantly improved ergonomics. Comparing the two, you’ll notice right away how flexible the Stryker feels compared to the older version which will allow you to move down the road unencumbered by your protective gear. It’s perfect for wearing as a stand-alone unit or under your regular riding gear.
The Stryker Vest’s primary point of safety is its large CE-approved back protector. It’s laid out in a low-profile design for an easy fit no matter what you wear. Articulating injection molded plates make up its outer shell, below which, layers of armor are ready to absorb the energy of a fall while keeping you comfortable at the same time. Below these plates, Airmesh and Biofoam layers are used (which also make up the rest of its chassis), so ventilation is looked after here. Just below that, you’ll find a d3o intelligent shock absorbing back protector. This material is soft and pliable to the touch, but instantly becomes rigid when a great deal of force is applied to it. In this way, you get a flexible energy-absorbing pad when you’re cruising and a solid, energy-dispersing piece of armor should you hit the deck suddenly. This piece is also perforated to encourage cooling performance. Finally, on the inside of vest, you’ll find a layer of Hydradry fabric. This moisture-wicking material keeps you cool no matter if you’re in a t-shirt of full leather jacket.
Adjustable Velcro tabs on the shoulders and sides give you a customizable fit no matter your build (or what you had for lunch) and the Stryker Vest is available in adjustable sizes that range from small to three x-large. You may also choose either hi-viz yellow or hi-viz orange colors.
In addition to protecting your torso, Icon also offers Stryker Elbow Armor (, Stryker Knee Amor ( and Stryker Shorts (, all of which employ the same construction techniques which make them perfect for the street-going rider.
For more information, you can read about this vest, call Nate at 866.931.6644 x 809 for expert sizing guidance and fast shipping. If you prefer email, send those enquiries to FORUM at RIDERSDISCOUNT dot COM with ICON STRYKER VEST in the subject line and we’ll get back to you right away.
The Icon Stryker Vest in black. A great deal of mesh material surrounds the chest protector to deliver cooling comfort at any speed.
On the inside, Hydradry pulls sweat and moisture from your body and allowing it to easily dissipate in the atmosphere. This prevents the vest from sticking to your skin and clothes.
The segmented outer shell of the Stryker Vest’s back protector gives the wearer plenty of flexibility while helping to disperse impact energy should you fall off your wheels of speed.
Two points of adjustment are available. As you can see, the shoulder straps have tons of leeway via a Velcro attachment scheme.
The flanks of the vest are also Velcro adjustable over a wide range.
Icon Stryker Vests are available in black as shown here, hi-viz yellow or hi-viz orange.
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awicons.comDate: Sunday, 2012-12-09, 10:15 PM | Message # 30
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